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United States
Where I ramble on about anything that comes to mind.

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home
There's No Place Like Home

Like Sand Through The Hour Glass, So Are The Days Of Our Lives

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I have been soooo busy today. There was so much to do to get the house ready for company tomorrow. Yes, we're only having one guest, but I want the house to be clean, and presentable!

It's been really tough with the hurricanes. Three in the last year! Frances was bad enough--but, then, along came her big, mean sister Jeanne exactly 3 weeks later to the day!
It's been very traumatic, and we're still not repaired from them. The insurance company is being a real pain. Then, Wilma had to come along last month. Man, oh, man. We lost more soffett and fascia, and have more repairs to do. We were without power for 5 days. Plus, all the money we spent on supplies, and gas to run the generator. Sigh.

Now, here it is the holidays. I can't believe that Thanksgiving is tomorrow. That means Christmas is in ONE MONTH! Aahh!!. No pressure, no pressure.
I know that someway, somehow, I'll get through it--I always do. It's just getting to be a bit much with so many hurricanes, plus life, plus the holidays. Beam me up Scottie!

So, I'd better get back to mopping that floor. Times a wastin'!

1 comment:

@wesome@bby said...

Your post reminds me of how lucky I am to be in the middle of our country where I really have no natural disasters save for floods and tornados to worry about. That is..unless the fault line here in TN does that they predict....but I'll worry about that when the time comes!