Sunday, August 05, 2007
My how time flies. I’ve sadly neglected my blog. For months. So much to do, so little time.
I need to keep my friends, and family updated.
I have been totally into my scrapbooking, and trying to get the house organized. I was sick through the holidays, so I didn’t get many LO’s done—well—none, actually. Well, no paper ones-all digital. LOL
I was really sick for weeks, and just sat in the chair, and played on the computer. I started teaching myself PS7. I got really into digital scrapbooking. I love it. I haven’t been able to give up my paper, though—I still paper scrap, too. LOL Another fun thing is hybrid scrapping. You get the best of both worlds!
Now, I’m using my PSCS. I had started out with HP Creative Scrapbook Assistant, and Creating Keepsakes Scrapbook Designer Deluxe. But—I couldn’t use templates. That’s what made me try the PS7 that I was so afraid of. LOL Once I learned to do the templates with it, I was hooked. I could do drop shadows, and everything! Now, there’s no going back.
However—you do have to be very careful with graphics. Just over 3 weeks ago—Friday the 13th—my 500 GB Western Digital My Book Essential external harddrive quit on me. I have done eveything I could, researched about it, talked to computer geeks, cried—nothing has worked to bring back my 2 1/2 years of kits, and graphics. The computer won’t even recognize that it exists. The only thing I can do is pay hundreds of dollars and hour to hire someone to do a data recovery. Um—no. I don’t have that kind of money to spend. Grrrr. I’m re-downloading everything that I can to try to recover what I lost, but I’ll never get it all. Live, and learn, right?
And—in case you’re wondering, I did do a backup. I had backed up the drive onto disks, but didn’t check the disks. Big mistake. The backup had kicked out not even halfway, and I did the rest of the file manually.
But—I did not know that when the computer copies a file, it starts at the bottom, and works its way up to the top. So, if you have a digital kit folder with sub-folders A-Z, it starts at Z, and copies up to A. Argh.
When I finished the copying when it kicked out, I started where it left off, and went down! I ended up with two copies of P-Z—and not even all the P’s. L
I should have checked the disks to make sure it was all there. Backup, and check your backups!
So—life goes on. It’s a hot summer here in Florida, as usual. I’m hibernating in here in the air conditioning. With the humidity and heat, it’s hard to even breathe outside. Yuck. I’m so ready for Fall, and Winter. Bring on that cooler weather. LOL
I’m hoping that when my hubby retires we can move north—maybe to western North Carolina. Cooler weather, a change of seasons, and away from the hurricanes. It’ll be closer to the kids, and grandkids, too.
Well, that’s all for now. I’ll try to stay more updated. Have a great day!
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- Angel's Imaginations
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Sunday, August 05, 2007
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Hi Angel, hope your feeling better. I agree with the backup bit. I have lost soo much stuff with a drive crash. Mind you I have n't always learnt my lesson!
Hope you're feeling better sweetie. Thanks for visiting my blog :o)
I live in fear of my hard drive crashing, even though everything is backed up (I'm off to check the backups now!)
Oh my! I am so sorry to read about your lost files! A reminder for us all to back up NOW! Welcome to this addictive'll never leave it!
Oh my! I am so sorry to read about your lost files! A reminder for us all to back up NOW! Welcome to this addictive'll never leave it!
Oh no! I hope you get some better sleep soon! I pray that your hot flashes go away. Remember that God is wrapping his arms around you!
Blog neglect again! Giggle...I appreciate all your recent comments..I enjoy being blog buddies with you and hope to read more here soon.
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