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Where I ramble on about anything that comes to mind.

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Home Sweet Home
There's No Place Like Home

Like Sand Through The Hour Glass, So Are The Days Of Our Lives

Saturday, October 28, 2006

My Gazebo, and Rock Fountain

Well--Blogger wouldn't let me upload more than one photo earlier. It said they were, but it lied. LOL So--I thought that I would try a separate post.

DH is going to set the arbor at the entrance to the gazebo in cement. It's just setting there, for now. That's why it has the wood on each side to hold it together temporarily. He'll paint the trim by the roof after his broken toe heals, so that he can climb a ladder. Poor guy.

The picture of the fountain was taken before we painted the house. That wall behind it is pure white, now.

Here are pics of the house all painted, and the new roof, of course.

It feels really good to be finally getting the house fixed up. Mostly minor stuff left.


@wesome@bby said...

I wanna pull up a chair and have a chat with you there! Your house looks great, I'm envious of the gazebo, and I LOVE that rock fountain!

Census said...

Thanks for your kind words on my blog. Gosh, you have been busy with the house painting etc. I Looove the gazebo and I agree that running water is sooo soothing. I wish I was there. Its still too cold to sit outdoor for any length of time here. So think of me and enjoy when you are sitting out.

Cheryl said...

Oh, I thought I'd commented here before, I've seen this so many times. Was think you need a new post or a cbox so I could love back on you.

Love your gazebo though. Mind if I drop by with a pitcher of ice tea and chat for a while? :)