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United States
Where I ramble on about anything that comes to mind.

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Home Sweet Home
There's No Place Like Home

Like Sand Through The Hour Glass, So Are The Days Of Our Lives

Saturday, March 11, 2006


I have some new storage for my scrappin' stuff. The two problems were all the scissors, and ink pads. How do you accomodate them, and keep them handy at the same time? You custom-make what you need, if necessary!
We cut a piece of plywood to size, painted it sunny yellow, and--Voila! Hang it, attach some hooks, and you're all set. (I would have chosen a pegboard, but hey--we already had the wood.
Then, I took a wooden box that had been sitting around for years--pounded some small nails for shelf brackets, cut up some balsa wood--and, Voila!, again! Instant ink pad shelves. Easy.

If you don't want your shelves to move, you can just dab a dot of glue where the nail meets the wooden shelf.
Also pictured, you can see my Xyron machines I got as gifts. I am so happy. They make things so much easier!
Coming to this station is a new ATC. It's being worked on, and will appear hopefully sooner, rather than later. I think that it's going to come out great.
You can sign up at Timeless Inspirations.com, and you'll be in time for the Family Feud Crop. It's 3 days--March 17-19th. It's going to be a blast! That's where I'll be.
Y'all come back, now!


Sarah .B. Scott said...

Fancy fancy!!!

@wesome@bby said...

I love this! I love the wooden shelf...so much possibility there! I"m proud of you and how organized you are!!!! Oh, to be like Angel.....(in my next life, maybe.) :)

Kim -today's creative blog said...

you are so clever! What a great space!